Read. Create. Inspire: The Story
We've been asked, on numerous occasions, why we chose the tag line "Read. Create. Inspire." to represent JAF Ink and Ink Crate.
As cheesy as it sounds, we didn't. It chose us.
☄Once upon a time, back when JAF Ink was merely a dream, before we could fathom the amazing talent, creativity and amount of BookDragons and artists that existed in the UAE, the three of us only knew that we had art-leaning passions, and the desire to share the love and participate in the joy of artistic exchanges.
To read, to create, to inspire, have been a fundamental part of of our own lives . They are what drive us, help us grow and learn and, best of all, they have connected us with some of the most amazing, awe-inspiring people on this planet. (That's you guys! :-D)
So, it was almost natural, on that faithful day almost a year ago, as we brainstormed the design of our first Ink Crate, that those three words instantly popped to mind. Though we debated (re: argued 😜) about other elements, the agreement for that tag line was unanimous.
✨📦With every Ink Crate you receive, with every discussion we are honoured to have with you (online and in person), our hope is to be able to instil those three words into your everyday lives. We invite you to give yourself some time off and read. We ask you to banish all doubt and create. And we hope you get the opportunity to inspire others, just as you inspire us.✨
From JAF, to you (as always): happy reading and make good art.