Poetry Submission - Khawla Khalid
We received this wonderful, heartfelt submission by Khawla Khalid, a high school student. Stay tuned for another great poem by her!
Dear World,
You scare me... You try to put me down whenever I try to stand You torture my soul By mocking my physiques Criticizing my lack of confidence Laughing at the way I talk Even though, you know … You know ,I can't talk properly You know ,I am scared of crowds You know, I try. But you still do it Dear world, You destroy my dreams Tell me they are stupid Dear world, You annihilate my hope By telling me I can't do anything By pushing me down when I stand By laughing at me when I try But not anymore...
I will not let you Torture my soul I will not let you, Destroy my dreams And especially I will never sell my confidence for your pathetic compliments I will do what I do best... I will be me.
-Khawla Khalid