📚 WWW Wednesdays #3
What Are You Reading Wednesdays is a weekly book-blogging meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words.
The concept is simple, answer the following questions:
What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?
You can join in to! Just leave a comment with your link at Taking On's blog and then go on an adventure to find what other people are reading.
What are you currently reading?
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Synopsis: Hollywood in the 1960s: the studios are in decline; aging moguls are frantic to attract an audience distracted by TV; and, in severe contrast, an explosion of creative energy in European cinema is shaking the foundations of film-making convention. By the 1970s, Hollywood falls to a new generation of filmmakers who usher in a renaissance of bold and influential films. But, as the personal visions of this "New Hollywood" flourish, drug abuse and egotism threaten to overturn its rule.
This book is an absolute must for anyone interesting in film, filmmaking or just an avid fan of popular culture. For me personally, with a history of being obsessed with cinema, I am thoroughly enjoying reading about how a young Scorsese, Spielberg, Lucas developed Taxi driver, Jaw and Star Wars. And if, like me, you have any secret passion for creating your own film, it’s a good reminder that all the people involved in the process, that we might now think of as legends, are very much real and flawed humans. I find myself inspired by this book just because by humanizing the great directors and film makers, with their nuances brought to light, suddenly I feel like I could relate to these overly drugged hippies. Maybe all you really need is to let go of your inhibition and embrace your vision (they might argue that drugs would really help, but I think there’s a way around that too) to follow that dream and make it a reality.
Full Review Here!
What did you recently finish reading?
How to Be Happy: Not a Self-help Book
Synopsis: Central Avenue Publishing is proud to publish another book by the widely acclaimed poet Iain S. Thomas. As many have noted on various social media platforms, there have been some issues that have led to the delayed release of this book. For this, we apologise and hopefully the content of the book will clarify the circumstances surrounding this delay. We feel we should also point out that this is not technically a self-help book, but it does contain some poignant prose, poetry and stories which may or may not lead you to happiness. Mostly, it is the rather unfortunate chronicle of a man's attempt to write the book he’s promised his publisher, no matter the cost to his sanity.
In an age of Instagram and twitter poetry, one that I am generally skeptical and dismissive of, I actually enjoyed this small gem. Part ramblings, part Live Journal entry with a heavy dose of self-deprecation and a sprinklings of poems and doodles, it was a very honest snapshot into whatever it was Thomas was going through at the time.
I found it honest and funny and definitely relate-able for anyone who has ever been down or plagued by any ounce of self-doubt. While it was nothing new or groundbreaking to me, I would still pass it along as a quick entertaining read with a plethora of pseudo-intellectual-existentialist Instagram worthy quotes (or whatever the kids are doing these days).
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What do you think you'll read next?
I have already started my next novel, Colson Whitehead’s Underground Railroad.
Synopsis: Cora is a slave on a cotton plantation in Georgia. Life is hellish for all the slaves but especially bad for Cora; an outcast even among her fellow Africans, she is coming into womanhood - where even greater pain awaits. When Caesar, a recent arrival from Virginia, tells her about the Underground Railroad, they decide to take a terrifying risk and escape. Matters do not go as planned and, though they manage to find a station and head north, they are being hunted.
Can’t wait to devour this historical retelling. As A of JAF points out, “you are always reading award-winning books, mainly on the issue of race.” Yes, because I have exquisite taste and I am clearly a racist.
And by "racist," I definitely mean I am passionate about social justice issues, specifically those related to race. I find there is no reason for any kind of hate or discrimination or anything at all based on anyone’s skin color (or any other factor for that matter) and I hate to see that kind of injustice in the world I live in. so in order to take meaningful steps to shape a more just and kind community, I personally like to stay educated and pro-active on those issues in order to eradicate them in however capacity I can, no matter how small. (I’ll let you know how it’s going next month).
And that's it for my three WWW's this week! If you've read any of the books, have heard about them, or just want to discuss bookish goodness, feel free to comment below!