✍️ NaNoWriMo 2017: Thank God It's Over? ✨
Damn, it’s over. I am so relieved, and yet also sad. Relieved because, well, now I do not have to stress about writing a minimum of 1,667...
✍️ NaNoWriMo: Week 4 of Pantsing
Ah, the homestretch, the finish line. Not sure what else to say about Week 4, honestly. I feel like week 4 is either the luxurious end of...
✍️ NaNoWriMo: Week 3 of Pantsing
I like week 3. I mean, considering the panic and desperation of Week 2, that should not come as much of a surprise. But week 3 is calmer,...
✍️ NaNoWriMo: Week 2 of Pantsing
There's a reason that week two is considered hump week, the Tuesdays (or Wednesdays, if your weekdays start on Monday) of NaNoWriMo. It...
✍️ NaNoWriMo: Week 1 of Pantsing
I've been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2008 (I know,I'm old), and each year my pre-planning process has been a little bit different....